as you know I don't need to make mony any more since uncle herman left me his pile and now patsy and me are living it high off the hog but if i did want to pull in megabucks i seen a good way of doing it with no sweat the way some dame in CA is doing
she started adverticing on the net that everyon shuold support our troops in iraq by WEARING RED ON FRIDAYS then she setup selling RED shirts and stuff. she says some of the mony goes to send parsels to the soldiers but she dont say how much and I geuss it is maybe around 1 pacent or less but i bet a lot of mugs will fall for it
Jeez i wish i had thuoght of a good idae like this when patsy and me were strugling to make a hard buck she cuold of made the cloths and i cuold of packed them up and sent them off!!!
Never mind we dont have to bohter with that kind of shakedown nowdays we can live honest
but if we ever need to make some quick 1000's of dollars i am going to tell everone to support some church, say like the church of the latter-day morons here in bentonville by waring GREEN BOOTS ON TUESDAYS and then buying a big stock of specal green boots and wait for the checks to come in i cuold always send maybe 2c a pair to the church so as to make it legit!!!
Good luck in your business endeavors, Luke, I pray you are able to find happiness and prosperity. I also pray that God will soften your heart and open your ears.
hi cary patsys been reading what you wrote to me on your blog and hear and says that she dont think much of what you say and she will write to you hear when she has time so watch this space
anyways i geuss you are busy now with the baby coming and all so their is no hurry hope the BIRTH goes OK
Dear Mr Cartter
My partner Luke Riemenschneider is allowing me at my request to write to you in order to respond both to your comment above and to the unkind comments you have made to him on your own blog.
In the first place I have to say that your comment above strikes me as rather patronising: Luke has no “business endeavors” in hand, he has already found much deserved happiness and prosperity, and he has by nature a very soft heart (sometimes too soft, in my view). As for opening his ears, I should tell you that I cannot imagine anyone with a more ready ear and a more open mind than my dear Luke.
So the requests you say you are making in prayer to your god (who is not ours, incidentally, so he will probably not do as you ask) are quite supererogatory. However, your remarks were no doubt well-meant if mistaken, so let us say no more on the subject.
Now we come to your responses to Luke’s query about Wearing Red on Fridays, some of which I am bound to say I find rather offensive. In particular, the cheap sarcasm about using dyslexia as a crutch was hurtful; you say you are dyslexic yourself so you should know that using a spell-checker is not always the answer and that sufferers are sometimes (wrongfully) ashamed of it and sensitive on the subject.
Nowhere in your blog (I think, though I have not read it all—why would I?) was there any reference to the fact that the business you are enthusiastically promoting is owned by your sister (actually you don’t say “my”, you say she is “a” sister—does this mean she is a Sister of Mercy or just someone else’s sister?). It would have been honest of you to have declared an interest here, and anyway as Luke didn’t know of your connection with her you can hardly blame him for having referred to her disrespectfully. It is quite reasonable to question the set-up of any operation that claims to be purely charitable, and I have asked Sues to confirm to me that you are correct when you say that all the profit is used to ship items of personal hygiene to those who are serving. If she makes a satisfactory reply is I have no doubt that Luke will want to put a note in Arkansassy to correct any false impression he may have given.
I see that you believe absolutely anything your sister says, even if it is something as manifestly preposterous as a brown sky. This gets you A++ for sibling loyalty but C-- for sound judgement and common sense.
Never mind, all these matters are arguable and it may well be that we will have to agree to differ on them. The disagreement over spelling mistakes in The Wisconsin Cartters, however, is a matter of ascertainable fact, and here you are unquestionably in error.
It is small-minded to pick people up on spelling and I would not have dreamt of telling Luke to do this to you had you not been so contemptuous of his. The errors I noted were in fact in the introductory paragraph which was written by you and not by your grandfather. The etymology of these words is not in question and I think what you meant to say was that I should research their orthography. I don’t need to: as Luke would put it, I can spell real good, though in his case this isn’t quite true.
One of the words was word is “genealogy”, sometimes mistakenly written “geneology” (as you had it in your profile) but never, as you also spelt it, “geneaology”. Along with “recieved”, that’s three careless mistakes in 60 words and I hardly think it is for you to rebuke anyone for poor spelling, though you might drop a hint to your correspondent dtodeen, who managed to make three mistakes in a 34-word comment.
I seem to have rambled on a bit but as you will have guessed I quite enjoy writing and now the bustle of Christmas is over I have some time to spare before we go to Aspen early in the New Year. Anyway, I think that just about wraps it up and it only remains for Luke and me to send you and your wife every good wish for the coming year.
Sincerely yours
Patricia (Patsy) Gorenhoff
Hey Patsy love
What's all this drivel about red shirts? Haven't you and Luke got anything better to do than write long letters to cranks?
Seriously though, I am commenting here because I've lost your email address and I want to ask your advice about that personal matter we discussed when I came to Bentonville with Eddy. Also, I want to ask you to come over to LA in March -we're having a huge do for Chintaman's 50th. Please email me so that we can be in touch again.
Big kisses to you and your gorgeous hunk Luke, the king of the spellers. I was so happy to hear that you're in the money now. Guess you'll be the champion big spenders!
December 28, 2006 7:13 AM
I have obviously offended you both, I humbly ask your forgiveness.
Rather than carry on back and forth about these articles, I will agree to disagree with you.
Yes, Sue is "a" sister, as in, a sister in Christ. As you do not believe in God, you won't understand. Neither will you understand the reference to opening your ears and softening your hearts - I do not doubt your sincerity, nor your willingness to help others; I was referring to actually hearing what God has to say, and letting Him in your heart and life. Since I do not subscribe to Bible thumping, I won't bore you with any more detail - but you do know where I am, in the event you should want to know more.
Spell check, at least the way I have been trained, at least alerts me to a word that has been mis-typed. Then, I can go back, and concentrate on the letters to get them in the correct order. I do apologize for offending, it has been my experience that people who have dyslexia have an even worse time of it if the words they are trying to read are not spelled correctly. And, I am a perfectionist, which led me to make the "crutch" remark.
At any rate, I wish you both well, and hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey to Aspen.
Dear Cary
Now that's what I call a gentlemanly letter and I can do no less than send you a reciprocal apology on behalf of Luke and myself for having been unfriendly.
With every good wish.
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