Big News

Patsy says I shuoldnt tell everybody this but everybody we know,knows and i dont care about others becuase they dont know where we live so what the hell
What hapened a few months ago was that my uncle herman died, he was much older than ma and lived in LA. I didnt see him since i was a kid but he usedto send a few bucks to ma sometimes and ma knew that he was loaded and told me once he was in some busness that was not 100 pacent legit but she didnt know what it was
Anyways, three weeks ago i had a letter from some shyster in la saying that he left evrything in his will to ma, and as ma has passed on it was coming to me!
at first I didnt believe it but it is TRUE and it is MANY MANY GS! We ARE RICH!!!
there is enough to give some g's to everyone we like who has been good to us so we have been having fun making lists, ma and pa gorenhoff of cuorse, mary-lou gottschalk (her ma died), Andy, mr miller and lots of others
Patsy says its more fun giving it away than spending it ourselves but i am not so sure anyways there is so much we can give away half and still have enuogh to have a great life!!


Anonymous said...

Can I have some? I mean, only a little bit, becos I only have the pickup now after the artic wuz KO'd running hams up the 40 to muldrow. I could come by in the oickup and you could shovel in what you can spare and will fit in the pickup fter allowing for ma hound rufus and his stuff.

I would spend it mainly on turves and maybe some roses or bigonias for out front. I'm a regular guy and you could turst me not go informing on your address, no way.

Anonymous said...

Why, sure, let me have yuor adress and I'll send you a couple of Gs.

Anonymous said...

Oh shoot, you done have to wurrying about that I cud come and poick it up. LEastways, if that's not not right by you meybe when its convinient you can jess leave it by the trashcans outrside the green shed at Tahlequah Sanitation PLant, the one on Basin Av.

your a real soiuthern champ, sir and anytime you or patsy feel like choimping down some Coors with me and the guys youll find us most nights at Circle P Bar B Que in Westville

Anonymous said...

Nossir, I showed Patsy yuor blog and she says she don't want no ruogh guys like you moseying around our place and she dont trust them Westville citizens so lets forget it instaed weve given 2 gs to doc schlegel who was good to her when she had hives
Sorry Bud

Anonymous said...

Sheesh you Bentonville types all the freakin' same specially when some schmuck ups and dies and leaves you the benjamins. I kinda guessed you want sirious when you replie so quick. Well I guess I'll habve to go back to eating rufus tins of meat and he'll have to go back to chowing down those rags the Bar B Q throw oiut.

Oh well no offence meant mister, I is no owrse off than I wuz before I started this conversation and thats not something we folks in Westville can say very offen round here

Anonymous said...

Nice chunnerin with ya fella
must sine off now as Patsy wants a spin in the new porsche
All the best