Big News

Patsy says I shuoldnt tell everybody this but everybody we know,knows and i dont care about others becuase they dont know where we live so what the hell
What hapened a few months ago was that my uncle herman died, he was much older than ma and lived in LA. I didnt see him since i was a kid but he usedto send a few bucks to ma sometimes and ma knew that he was loaded and told me once he was in some busness that was not 100 pacent legit but she didnt know what it was
Anyways, three weeks ago i had a letter from some shyster in la saying that he left evrything in his will to ma, and as ma has passed on it was coming to me!
at first I didnt believe it but it is TRUE and it is MANY MANY GS! We ARE RICH!!!
there is enough to give some g's to everyone we like who has been good to us so we have been having fun making lists, ma and pa gorenhoff of cuorse, mary-lou gottschalk (her ma died), Andy, mr miller and lots of others
Patsy says its more fun giving it away than spending it ourselves but i am not so sure anyways there is so much we can give away half and still have enuogh to have a great life!!

Please call!

Say Teddy old buddy ive lost your email adress and wamt to get back in contact with you so if you see this send me a message will you meantimes hears a nice foto of sluto that seminole guy who did the bad on us to remind you of our old times in des Moines way back when! Bet he looks diferent now!