Life has been so hetcic for patsy and me that i havnt even opend my pc for months!
since uncle herman came thruogh we have been able to get folks to do all the work aruond the house so we have time to do more intresting things wich is not just having fun but doing good to.
for a start patsy and me go aruond 3 days every week with a pickup taking food and cloths and stuff to famlies who dont have nothing and its amazing how many there are
We dont give it like handouts and wait to be thanked but just leave it in there porchs with a note saying hear is some things from a friend! it is real fun!
somtimes we give a big party for all those who were good to us when we dint have nothing and get some catrers from bentonville to cook up a fantastic supper for maybe 60 folk with some real good musicains
thats fun too!
patsy siad if we go on like that well soon get thruogh u hermans pile but it was a very big pile and i reckon it will last us for maybe 100 years!
we will get rid of a lot next moth when we go round europe to see all the places we herd about starting in italy
posted by luke